Schuenke, Michael Thieme atlas of anatomy : head, neck, and neuroanatomy / Michael Schuenke... [et al.]

Thieme atlas of anatomy : head, neck, and neuroanatomy / Michael Schuenke... [et al.] . - 3rd ed. . - Nova Iorque : Thieme, 2020 . - xv, 575 p. : il. 32 cm . -
"A comprehensive educational tool that combines illustrations with explanatory text and summary tables, introducing clinical applications throughout, and presenting anatomic concepts in a step-by-step sequence that includes system-by-system and topographical views; this volume covers head, neck, and neuroanatomy"-- editor
9781626237223 brochado : compra
Head - anatomy & histology
Neck - anatomy & histology
Central Nervous System