Costanzo, Linda S. Physiology Costanzo physiology / Linda S. Costanzo

Costanzo physiology / Linda S. Costanzo . - 7th ed. . - Filadélfia : Elsevier, 2022 . - x, 518 p. : fig., tab. 28 cm . -
Costanzo Physiology, 7th Edition, retains the step-by-step, to-the-point approach that makes this text ideal for coursework and USMLE preparation. Complex concepts are presented in a simple, easy-to-digest manner, and are accompanied by well-designed figures and tables that provide handy visuals for procedures or physiologic equations. Fully updated throughout, this edition remains the students’ choice for concise, clear instruction and a strong foundation in human physiology.
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Physiological Phenomena
Education, Medical