Neto, Pedro Manuel Silva Relatório de estágio em tarefas regulamentares e de monitorização na W4Research / Pedro Manuel Silva Neto ; orient. Sandra Rebelo

Relatório de estágio em tarefas regulamentares e de monitorização na W4Research / Pedro Manuel Silva Neto ; orient. Sandra Rebelo . - Lisboa : NOVA Medical School, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2022 . - 70 p. . -
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The pandemic represented a turning point in Clinical Research, requiring a strong adaptation of all actors, in order to minimize its implications. Several measures were taken, one of which was to carry out activities remotely, which gained a great importance and became much more common than previously. This report comes within the scope of the Master in Clinical Research Management and describes both the impact of the pandemic on Clinical Research as also presents the recommendations and guidelines released by the regulatory authorities of Clinical Research in Portugal. A description is also given about the internship carried out at W4Research and the experience acquired in it and where regulatory and monitoring tasks were performed within the scope of observational studies and clinical trials. The internship allowed the application and consolidation of content and skills at a professional and personal level, essential to embark on a career in the field of Clinical Research. Clinical Studies coordination
Academic Dissertation