Berg, Jeremey M., 1958- Biochemistry / Jeremy M. Berg... [et al.]

Biochemistry / Jeremy M. Berg... [et al.] . - 9th ed. . - Nova Iorque : Macmillan, 2019 . - xlii, 1096, A45, B59, C45 p. : il. 28 cm . -
Understanding biochemistry is a complicated process, but the trusted author team behind Biochemistry, 9e continue to help students navigate this difficult subject with clear writing, innovative graphics, the most current research techniques and advances—all while maintaining a signature emphasis on physiological and medical relevance.

The 9th edition paired with Achieve offers the best combination of resources to help students visualize material and develop successful problem-solving skills to master complex concepts in isolation, and draw on that mastery to make connections across concepts
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Biochemical Phenomena