Afonso, Vânia Prates Vulnerabilidade em pessoas idosas residentes na comunidade : estudo exploratório em utentes da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa / Vânia Prates Afonso ; orient: Maria Amália Botelho

Vulnerabilidade em pessoas idosas residentes na comunidade : estudo exploratório em utentes da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa / Vânia Prates Afonso ; orient: Maria Amália Botelho . - Lisboa : NOVA Medical School, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, 2015 . - 105 p. . -
Objective: The present study has as its principal objective the characterization of individual vulnerability in community-dwelling older people. Methodology: This is a non-experimental study, exploratory, qualitative, quantitative, and cross-sectional in a probabilistic sample of simple randomization (n=213). Individual vulnerability was assessed using the instrument Vulnerable Elders Survey 13 and the other socio-demographic variables by questionnaire, both by telephone. Results: the sample was predominantly female, with a higher prevalence of persons with 75 or more years, widows, without education, mostly living alone and most of all with less than or equal to 485€ per month. Concerning vulnerability, in a random sample of 213 people, only 15 doesn´t present vulnerability, evaluated by the Vulnerable Elders Survey-13 (VES-13). Of the 198 people vulnerable, accounting for 93% of the sample, 164, i.e. 77% of this group, had a total score equal to or greater than 7 in 10, revealing a high degree of vulnerability. Conclusion: The predictors of vulnerability are the age, where higher the age means greater vulnerability as well as being a widow. The predictors of the difficulty in physical activities are old age and isolated persons in collective accommodation. For the activities of daily life, the variables that demonstrate as being predictors are old age, isolated persons in collective accommodation and living in elderly couple. Aged
Vulnerable Populations
Health Status Indicators
Functional Residual Capacity
Activities of Daily Living
Social Welfare
Academic Dissertation